6 predictions for the future of enterprise cloud

Today, data management is a fundamental part of every organisation’s strategy, as it is considered the most valuable critical asset. The volume of information they generate is increasing, prompting companies to adopt models that enable efficient and secure data management and storage, such as cloud solutions. In fact, according to a report by Mordor Intelligence, the global cloud storage market will exceed $117 million by the end of 2024. 

However, like all current technologies, the cloud is undergoing a transformation to meet the evolving needs of users, and specially of organisations of all sizes. In this context, knowmad mood, a leading technology consultancy specializing in digital transformation solutions, shares some key predictions about the future of corporate cloud data storage, which companies should consider: 

Companies will adopt hybrid models for flexibility

Although 72% of Spanish companies currently rely on public cloud solutions, according to an IDC report, increasing concerns about data security and cost savings are pushing businesses to seek greater control over both. Consequently, the same study predicts that by 2024, 80% of organizations in Spain will have implemented hybrid cloud models for some projects. This approach allows companies to store sensitive data in local environments while leveraging the cloud’s advantages for specific tasks, providing the flexibility needed for efficient data management.

The cloud will leverage AI and Machine Learning

The combination of cloud computing with artificial intelligence and machine learning presents significant opportunities for companies to increase efficiency and drive innovation. These technologies will enable the cloud to become more automated, cost-effective (elevating the use of FINOPS tools), secure, and efficient in managing increasingly complex and voluminous data.

The Zero Trust approach will be key to improved security

Data security is and will continue to be a key factor in the evolution of enterprise cloud storage. As security becomes a growing priority, companies will increasingly adopt access controls to protect cloud data from unauthorized access. In other words, the Zero Trust approach, which continuously verifies the identity of users and devices to minimize the risk of data breaches, will gain traction. In fact, according to a Cisco report, although only 2% of enterprises worldwide currently have a mature Zero Trust deployment, 86% of companies are already committed to this approach. 

Software development will be become more cloud-centric

According to Colorlib, more than 90% of companies worldwide are already using cloud-based software. As the pace of application and software development accelerates, companies will require more agile architectures that allow for scalable functionality. Therefore, in the future, software development will increasingly revolve around cloud platforms, enabling faster implementation processes and constant updates to meet ever-evolving demands with greater ease.

Quantum computing in the cloud will revolutionise technology

Related to the above, the integration of quantum technologies in the cloud paves the way for the development of new quantum applications and algorithms, so that cloud software developers will be able to design quantum applications with the potential to revolutionize technologies such as AI and Machine Learning. Furthermore, quantum computing in the cloud will not only allow for more efficient complex calculations, thus unlocking new possibilities for research and innovation, but its integration will also democratize access to quantum technology.

The cloud will continue to transform working models

If there is one thing that has truly revolutionised modern working models, it is cloud storage, and it will continue to do so. In this sense, the cloud facilitates dynamic business collaboration by enabling the real-time sharing of data and resources, allowing employees to interact and work together more efficiently, regardless of physical location. According to a NetApp study, 98% of companies are already migrating their workloads to the cloud to take advantage of these benefits.

Data is indeed the most important asset for businesses of any size, making optimized data storage essential today. Given the rapid pace of technological advancement, it is always fascinating to try to predict how cloud storage will continue to benefit businesses, so that they can stay ahead of these trends and fully capitalize on innovations to drive their growth”, says Roberto Liesa Head of Cloud at knowmad mood. 
